Roberto`s Tale part 3


All this thus sorting, the old woman`s daughter was trickly attired, ready to furnish this pageant, for her old mother provided all things necessary. Well, supper past, dancing ended, all the guests would home, and the bridegroom pretending to bring some friend of his home, got his horse and to the park side he rode, and stayed with the horsemen that attended the gentleman.

Begin exhortation

Anon came Marian like mistress bride, and, mounted behind the gentleman, away they passed, fetched their compass, and at last alighted at an old wife`s house, where suddenly she is conveyed to her chamber, and the bridegroom sent to keep her company; where he had scarce devised how to begin his exhortation, but the father of his bride knocked at the chamber door. At which being somewhat amazed yet thinking to turn it to a jest, sith his wife (as he thought) was in bed with him, he opened the door saying, “Father, you are heartily welcome. I wonder how you found us out here. This device to remove ourselves was with my wife`s consent, that we might rest quietly, without the maids and bachelors disturbing us.”

“But where is your wife?” said the gentleman.

“Why, here in bed,” quoth the other.

“My daughter had been your wife, for sure I am to-day she was given you in marriage.”

“You are merrily disposed,” said the bridegroom. “What! Think you I have another wife?”

“I think but as you speak,” quoth the gentleman, “for my daughter is below, and you say your wife is in the bed.”

“Below!” said he. “You are a merry man,” And with that, casting on a night-gown, he went down where, when he saw his wife, the gentleman his father, and a number of his friends assembled, he was so confounded that how to behave himself he knew not, only he cried out that he was deceived. At this the old woman arrived, and making herself ignorant of all the whole matter, inquires the cause of that sudden tumult.

When she was told the new bridegroom was found in bed with her daughter, she exclaimed against so great an injury. Marian was called in quorum; she justified it was by his allurement. He, being condemned by all their consents, was judged unworthy to have the gentlewoman unto his wife, and compelled (for escaping of punishment) to marry Marian; and the young gentleman (for his care in discovering the farmer`s lewdness) was recompensed with the gentlewoman`s ever- during love.

Read More about Memoirs or Chronicle of the Fourth Crusade part 41


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