Memoirs or Chronicle of the Fourth Crusade part 79
But adventures happen as God wills, and sickness laid hold of the Greek, and he made an end and died. And the Greek’s son...
Memoirs or Chronicle of the Fourth Crusade part 78
Theodore Lascaris, who had been discomfited at Poemaninon, collected as many people as he could, and assembled a very great army, and gave the...
Memoirs or Chronicle of the Fourth Crusade part 77
Then a sickness took her, and she made an end and died, whereof there was great dole throughout all Christendom, for she was a...
Memoirs or Chronicle of the Fourth Crusade part 76
The land on the other side of the straits had for lord a Greek named Theodore Lascaris. He had for wife the daughter of...
Memoirs or Chronicle of the Fourth Crusade part 75
It came to pass, at this time also, that the Marquis Boniface of Montferrat, who was near Salonika, took prisoner the Emperor Alexius-the same...
Memoirs or Chronicle of the Fourth Crusade part 74
Then did the Emperor Baldwin bestow on Count Louis the duchy of Nice, which was one of the greatest lordships in the land of...
Memoirs or Chronicle of the Fourth Crusade part 73
The Kingdom of Salonika is Restored to Boniface – Division of the Land Between the CrusadersThe marquis then took leave, and went towards Salonika...
Memoirs or Chronicle of the Fourth Crusade part 72
Reconciliation of Baldwin and BonifaceOn the fourth day the emperor knew clearly that he had been ill-advised to quarrel with the marquis, and then...
Memoirs or Chronicle of the Fourth Crusade part 71
Nor was it long ere another great misfortune befell the host, for Peter of Amiens died, who was a man rich and noble, and...
Memoirs or Chronicle of the Fourth Crusade part 70
And you must know that Geoffry the Marshal, and Manasses of l’Isle, were right joyously looked upon, both by those in the camp and...