The Substitute part 4
Taken, in a cast of the net, with some young loafers who robbed drunkards sleeping on the streets, he denied very earnestly haying taken...
The Substitute part 3
They assumed, however, an air of great dignity on those days when a newcomer was brought in among them, at first entertaining him gravely...
The Substitute part 2
He said this openly, cynically, like a man. He was a little ragged street-arab, as tall as a boot, his forehead hidden under a...
The Substitute part 1
Frangois Coppee (1842—1908)Coppee, the poet of the poor and humble, lived a long and uneventful life. His volumes of verse are characterized by qualities...
Roberto`s Tale part 3
All this thus sorting, the old woman`s daughter was trickly attired, ready to furnish this pageant, for her old mother provided all things necessary....
Roberto`s Tale part 2
She promised she would, and so they parted. Then goes he to the bridegroom and with protestations of entire affection, protests the great sorrow...
Roberto`s Tale part 1
Robert Greene (1560?—1592)Greene was born at Norwich about 1560. He went both to Cambridge and Oxford, and then seems to have lived a wild...
The Bridal of Janet Dalrymple part 3
A lady, very nearly connected with the family, told the author that she had conversed on the subject with one of the brothers of...
The Bridal of Janet Dalrymple part 5
One of the marginal notes ascribed to William Dunlop applies to the above lines. “She had betrothed herself to Lord Rutherford under horrid imprecations,...
The Bridal of Janet Dalrymple part 4
Various reports went abroad on this mysterious affair, many of them very inaccurate, though they could hardly be said to be exaggerated. It was...