Roberto`s Tale part 2
She promised she would, and so they parted. Then goes he to the bridegroom and with protestations of entire affection, protests the great sorrow he takes at that which he must utter, whereon depended...
Roberto`s Tale part 1
Robert Greene (1560?—1592)Greene was born at Norwich about 1560. He went both to Cambridge and Oxford, and then seems to have lived a wild and irregular life in London. He wrote plays, pamphlets, novels...
The Bridal of Janet Dalrymple part 3
A lady, very nearly connected with the family, told the author that she had conversed on the subject with one of the brothers of the bride, a mere lad at the time, who had...
The Bridal of Janet Dalrymple part 5
One of the marginal notes ascribed to William Dunlop applies to the above lines. “She had betrothed herself to Lord Rutherford under horrid imprecations, and afterwards married Baldoon, his nevoy, and her mother was...
The Bridal of Janet Dalrymple part 4
Various reports went abroad on this mysterious affair, many of them very inaccurate, though they could hardly be said to be exaggerated. It was difficult at that time to become acquainted with the history...
The Bridal of Janet Dalrymple part 2
But she took care to be present in person, and argued the point with the disappointed and incensed lover with pertinacity equal to his own. She particularly insisted on the Levitical law, which declares,...
The Bridal of Janet Dalrymple part 1
Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832)Walter Scott, founder of the romantic historical novel, was born in Edinburgh in 1771. He entered his father`s law office, but before long gave up law for literature. His first works...
The Raising of Lazarus 2
Martha met himNow Jesus was not yet come into the town, but was in that place where Martha met him. The Jews then which were with her in the house, and comforted her, when...
The Matron of Ephesus 2
MaidservantBut she was ill-pleased by such commonplace consolation, and smote her breast more violently than ever, tearing out her hair and throwing it upon the body before her. Still, the young soldier did not...
The Jackal 2
The rest of the jackals, seeing him of such a fine complexion, prostrated themselves before him, and said: “According as Your Highness commands!” By this step he made himself honored by his own relations,...