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Roberto`s Tale part 2

She promised she would, and so they parted. Then goes he to the bridegroom and with protestations of entire affection, protests the great sorrow...

Roberto`s Tale part 1

Robert Greene (1560?—1592)Greene was born at Norwich about 1560. He went both to Cambridge and Oxford, and then seems to have lived a wild...

The Bridal of Janet Dalrymple part 3

A lady, very nearly connected with the family, told the author that she had conversed on the subject with one of the brothers of...

The Bridal of Janet Dalrymple part 5

One of the marginal notes ascribed to William Dunlop applies to the above lines. “She had betrothed herself to Lord Rutherford under horrid imprecations,...

The Bridal of Janet Dalrymple part 4

Various reports went abroad on this mysterious affair, many of them very inaccurate, though they could hardly be said to be exaggerated. It was...

The Bridal of Janet Dalrymple part 2

But she took care to be present in person, and argued the point with the disappointed and incensed lover with pertinacity equal to his...

The Bridal of Janet Dalrymple part 1

Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832)Walter Scott, founder of the romantic historical novel, was born in Edinburgh in 1771. He entered his father`s law office, but...

The Raising of Lazarus 2

Martha met himNow Jesus was not yet come into the town, but was in that place where Martha met him. The Jews then which...

The Matron of Ephesus 2

MaidservantBut she was ill-pleased by such commonplace consolation, and smote her breast more violently than ever, tearing out her hair and throwing it upon...

The Jackal 2

The rest of the jackals, seeing him of such a fine complexion, prostrated themselves before him, and said: “According as Your Highness commands!” By...

World War II.

