Memoirs or Chronicle of the Fourth Crusade part 18


Then rose the abbot of Vaux, of the order of the Cistercians, and said to them: ” Lords, I forbid you, on the part of the Pope of Rome, to attack this city; for those within it are Christians, and you are pilgrims.” When the Doge heard this, he was very wroth, and much disturbed, and he said to the counts and barons: “Signors, I had this city, by their own agreement, at my mercy, and your people have broken that agreement; you have covenanted to help me to conquer it, and I summon you to do so.”

Whereon the counts and barons all spoke at once, together with those who were of their party, and said: ” Great is the outrage of those who have caused this agreement to be broken, and never a day has passed that they have not tried to break up the host. Now are we shamed if we do not help to take the city.” And they came to the Doge, and said: ” Sire, we will help you to take the city in despite of those who would let and hinder us.”

Thus was the decision taken. The next morning the host encamped before the gates of the city, and set up their petraries and manoonels, and other engines of war, which they had in plenty, and on the side of the sea they raised ladders from the ships. Then they began to throw stones at the walls of the city and at the towers. So did the assault last for about five days. Then were the sappers set to mine one of the towers, and began to sap the wall. When those within the city saw this, they proposed an agreement, such as they had before refused by the advice of those who wished to break up the host.

The Crusaders Establish themselves in the Cityaffray Between the Venetians and the Franks

Thus did the city surrender to the mercy of the Doge, on condition only that all lives should be spared. Then came the Doge to the counts and barons, and said to them: ” Signors, we have taken this city by the grace of God, and your own. It is now winter, and we cannot stir hence till Eastertide; for we should find no market in any other place; and this city is very rich, and well furnished with all supplies. Let us therefore divide it in the midst, and we will take one half, and you the other.”

Read More about Memoirs or Chronicle of the Fourth Crusade part 119


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