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Memoirs or Chronicle of the Fourth Crusade and the Conquest of Constantinople
The first Preaching of the Crusade – Memoirs or Chronicle of the Fourth Crusade – Be it known to you that eleven hundred and ninety-seven years after the Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ, in the time of Innocent Pope of Rome, and Philip King of France, and Richard King of England, there was in France a holy man named Fulk of Neuilly – which Neuilly is between Lagni-sur-Marne and Paris – and he was a priest and held the cure of the village. And this said Fulk began to speak of God throughout the Isle-de-France, and the other countries round about; and you must know that by him the Lord wrought many miracles.

Be it known to you further, that the fame of this holy man so spread, that it reached the Pope of Rome, Innocent*; and the Pope sent to France, and ordered the right worthy man to preach the cross (the Crusade) by his authority.

And afterwards the Pope sent a cardinal of his, Master Peter of Capua, who himself had taken the cross, to proclaim the Indulgence of which I now tell you, viz., that all who should take the cross and serve in the host for one year, would be delivered from all the sins they had committed, and acknowledged in confession. And because this indulgence was so great, the hearts of men were much moved, and many took the cross for the greatness of the pardon.
Of those who took the Cross
Memoirs or Chronicle of the Fourth Crusade – The other year after that right worthy man Fulk had so spoken of God, there was held a tourney in Champagne, at a castle called Ecri, and by God’s grace it so happened that Thibaut, Count of Champagne and Brie, took the cross, and the Count Louis of Blois and Chartres likewise; and this was at the beginning of Advent (28th November 1199).

Now you must know that this Count Thibaut was but a young man, and not more than twenty-two years of age, and the Count Louis not more than twenty-seven. These two counts were nephews and cousins-german to the King of France, and, on the other part, nephews to the King of England.

Memoirs or Chronicle of the Fourth Crusade part 111

Theodore Lascaris forms an Alliance with JohannizzaTheodore Lascaris, who was warring against the Emperor Henry, took messengers and sent them to Johannizza, the King of Wallachia and Bulgaria. And he advised Johannizza that all...

Memoirs or Chronicle of the Fourth Crusade part 110

They marched to a land called Skiza, which was surrounded by the sea except on one side. And in old days the way of entry had been defended with walls and towers, and moats,...

Memoirs or Chronicle of the Fourth Crusade part 109

Projected Marriage Between the Emperor and the Daughter of Boniface – The Crusaders Ravage The Lands of JohannizzaThen came to the camp, as envoy, a baron, Otho of La Roche by name, belonging to...

Memoirs or Chronicle of the Fourth Crusade part 108

The Emperor Meets Johannizza, and Recaptures his PrisonersThen came tidings that in a certain valley, three leagues distant from the host, were the men and women whom ohannizza was leading away captive, together with...

Memoirs or Chronicle of the Fourth Crusade part 107

Now when Johannizza, the King of Wallachia and Bulgaria, heard that the emperor had been crowned in Constantinople, and that Vemas had remained in the land of Adrianople and Demotica, he collected together as...

Memoirs or Chronicle of the Fourth Crusade part 106

Geoffry the Marshal of Roumania and Champagne took certain Turcoples and mounted cross-bowmen and sent them forward to see if they could learn the condition of the castle; for they knew not if...

Memoirs or Chronicle of the Fourth Crusade part 105

Then came tidings to the host that Johannizza was lodged at a castle called Rodosto. So in the morning they set forth and marched to those parts to seek battle; and Johannizza broke up...

Memoirs or Chronicle of the Fourth Crusade part 104

Then he asked for counsel as to what he should do. Many were the words spoken, to and fro; but in the end they said: ” Lord, we have come so far that we...

Memoirs or Chronicle of the Fourth Crusade part 103

When he came to Adrianople, he required of those that were within that they should let him enter, as he had entered elsewhere. But they said they would not, and spoke thus: “Sire, when...

Memoirs or Chronicle of the Fourth Crusade part 102

And you must know that within five days’ journey from Constantinople there remained nothing to destroy save only the city of Bizye, and the city of Selymbria, which were garrisoned by the French. And...