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Tag: Scenes from the Balkans

Scenes from the Balkans


Clanging Chains and Convict Labor

As I turned a corner on the road, I heard a loud clanging noise. Coming into view were forty prisoners, a grim sight, all chained together. Despite their situation, they were talking and laughing loudly as they walked. Accompanying them was a group of soldiers, swords drawn, ensuring the prisoners remained in line.

Further along the highway, I noticed more prisoners working to repair the road. These men, dressed in simple clothes, used picks and shovels, the sound of their chains providing a grim rhythm to their labor. At intervals, soldiers stood resting their rifles, ready to intervene if any prisoner attempted to escape or cause trouble Private Istanbul Tour.

A Look Inside the Serbian Parliament

The Current Parliament House

In the future, the people of Serbia plan to build a Parliament House in Belgrade that t

Middle Volga


Turkish Bath


Discovering Perge